We answer your top questions

The regulations in the 2022 CALGreen Code Supplement become effective July 1. For many, this is a frightening reality check. We are just months away from major changes to the way municipalities, architects, and construction managers approach the built environment in California. At ID360 we are committed to navigating these changes for and with our clients. This FAQ answers our clients’ top questions regarding the CALGreen Code implementation and its impact.

1. What are the requirements for Embodied Carbon Reduction?

Nonresidential commercial building projects over 100,000 square feet and school building projects over 50,000 square feet will be required to comply with one of three pathways:

    • Building Reuse: Reuse at least 45% of an existing structure and exterior. When reuse is combined with new construction, the total addition area using this pathway is limited to double the area of the existing structure. Section 5.105.2
    • Performance: Complete a whole building lifecycle assessment (WBLCA) demonstrating 10% lower embodied carbon emission than a baseline project design Section 5.409.2
    • Prescriptive: Document environmental product declarations (EPDs) for listed materials (steel, glass, mineral wool, concrete) that are on average lower than a specified threshold of global warming potential. Section 5.409.3*

    To note, on January 1, 2026, the square footage threshold will drop to 50,000 square feet and this measures also apply to school projects over 50,000 sf that fall under the purview of the Division of the State Architect (DSA).

    2. Does CALGreen ban certain materials?

    Although CALGreen makes significant headway in reducing Embodied Carbon, there are no banned materials. 

    3. Where can I find the new code language?

    All the changes are currently on the California Building Standard Commission online here: https://www.dgs.ca.gov/BSC/Rulemaking/2022-Intervening-Cycle

    Amid California’s evolving building codes, ID360 stand as a beacon of expertise and guidance. Navigating the complexities of the upcoming CALGreen update requires a partner with a deep understanding of sustainable practices and a commitment to staying ahead of the curve. Connect with us for specific questions and concerns. 


    As we gear up for the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) update set to take effect on July 1, 2024, the spotlight is on electric vehicle (EV) requirements and the subsequent changes in EV infrastructure. At the forefront of this transformation is ID360, an industry leader in sustainable building practices. In this blog, we will explore the upcoming CALGreen update and the heightened EV requirements.

    The CALGreen Building Code Update

    Scheduled to go into effect July 1, 2024, the updated CALGreen building code marks a significant shift in the state’s commitment to sustainability, with a particular focus on electric vehicles. One of the key areas experiencing a revamp is the EV requirements for buildings, leading to a greater emphasis on EV-ready spaces and expanded EV infrastructure.

    As we move forward, the updated CALGreen code will impose more stringent requirements on the inclusion of electric vehicle infrastructure in new construction. With the increasing popularity and importance of electric vehicles in reducing carbon footprints, the state is taking proactive measures to ensure that the necessary infrastructure is in place to support this transition.

    ID360’s Role in Adapting to the Changes

    At the forefront of sustainable building practices, ID360 has been instrumental in adopting and implementing reach codes, paving the way for the state’s ambitious sustainability goals. With the impending changes in CALGreen, ID360 is once again leading the charge, helping clients navigate the intricacies of the updated code and ensuring compliance with the enhanced EV requirements.

    As the deadline for compliance approaches, one of the most frequently asked questions from clients revolves around the calculation of required EV spaces. Understanding the intricacies of this calculation is crucial for developers, architects, and building owners. ID360 recognizes this concern and is actively engaged in providing comprehensive guidance on determining the number of required EV spaces for a given project.

    Beyond the question of how many EV spaces are needed, clients are also seeking clarity on the appropriate level of EV infrastructure for their spaces. The CALGreen update introduces nuanced requirements for different types of buildings, and ID360 is well-equipped to assist clients in deciphering these specifications. Whether it’s a residential development, commercial space, or mixed-use project, ID360 ensures that the right level of EV infrastructure is incorporated, aligning with the updated building code.

    Impact on Reach Codes and Existing Policies

    The changes introduced in the CALGreen update extend beyond the immediate requirements for EV infrastructure. The state’s decision to revamp the building code reflects a broader effort to align with and surpass existing reach codes. ID360 has been a key player in implementing these reach codes, and the company is poised to adapt to the evolving landscape, supporting clients in implementing changes that go above and beyond current policies.

    As California continues to be a trailblazer in sustainability, the updated CALGreen building code signifies the state’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of green building standards. The changes not only reflect the growing importance of electric vehicles in reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also underscore the need for a comprehensive and forward-thinking approach to building design and construction.

    Amid California’s evolving building codes, ID360 stands as a beacon of expertise and guidance. Navigating the complexities of the upcoming CALGreen update requires a partner with a deep understanding of sustainable practices and a commitment to staying ahead of the curve. Connect with us for specific questions and concerns.