Welcome to Course #201.2 2022 CALGreen Inspector/Plan Examiner Masterclass

Students of this course will gain current knowledge about sustainability and green buildings in the context of the NEW 2022 California Green Building Code. This course demystifies green building, sustainable design, and construction strategies and considers 2022 CALGreen measures in the context of code enforcement as more jurisdictions adopt new enforcement measures and local green building ordinances, the course explores the practical application of code and prepares students to perform plan check and building inspections and enforce the 2022 CALGreen code with efficiency and predictability. The course will also educate design team members on what is expected to achieve code compliance.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain knowledge and background of the California Green Building Code and understand considerations for the future of CALGreen and sustainable development.
  •  Identify triggered projects for the California Green Building Code and how the mandatory and voluntary measures change the requirements of a project.
  • Increase awareness of logistical impacts of CALGreen regarding plans, specs, permitting, documentation, inspection, and local enforcement. Comprehend code measures by intent, plan check and inspection requirements.
  • This course will provide the necessary information to pass the ICC CALGreen Inspector/Plans Examiner exam and have a successful career in the building sector.

Welcome to Course #104 Intro to the 2022 California Green Building Code

Students of this course will gain current knowledge about sustainability and green buildings in the context of the 2022 California Green Building Code. This course will bring awareness to the innovative CALGreen code and standards by empowering our industry to apply sustainable design and construction strategies. This course provides introductions to green building and sustainability subject matters to help bring knowledge of environmental building strategies and policy, and to help the design community and local government staff demonstrate leadership in the community.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain Knowledge and background of the new 2022 California Green Building Code and understand considerations for the future of CALGreen and sustainable development.
  • Identify triggered projects for the 2022 California Green Building Code and how the mandatory and voluntary measures change the requirements of a project.
  • Increase awareness of logistical impacts of CALGreen regarding plans, specs permitting, documentation, inspection, and local enforcement.
  • Identify CALGreen enforcements in various California jurisdictions.

Welcome to Course #201 2019 CALGreen Inspector/Plan Examiner Masterclass

Students of this course will gain current knowledge about sustainability and green buildings in the context of the 2019 California Green Building Code. This course demystifies green building, sustainable design, and construction strategies and considers CALGreen measures in the context of code enforcement as more jurisdictions adopt new enforcement measures and local green building ordinances, the course explores practical application of code and prepares students to perform plan check and building inspections and enforce the CALGreen code with efficiency and predictability. The course will also educate design team members on what is expected to achieve code compliance.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain knowledge and background of the 2019 California Green Building Code and understand considerations for the future of CALGreen and sustainable development.
  •  Identify triggered projects for the 2019 California Green Building Code and how the mandatory and voluntary measures change the requirements of a project.
  • Increase awareness of logistical impacts of CALGreen regarding plans, specs, permitting, documentation, inspection, and local enforcement. Comprehend code measures by intent, plan check and inspection requirements.
  • This course will provide the necessary information to pass the ICC CALGreen Inspector/Plans Examiner exam and have a successful career in the building sector.

2019 ICC CALGreen Practice Exam

Welcome to Course #302 LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation

This course prepares students to successfully take the LEED Green Associate exam provided by the US Green Building Council.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the LEED Green Associate exam layout.
  • Identify best practices when studying for the LEED Green Associate exam.
  • Successfully take a practice exam in preparation for the real LEED exam.

Welcome to Course #301 2019 ICC CALGreen Exam Preparation

This course prepares students to successfully take the CALGreen Plans Inspector/Examiner exam provided by the International Code Council.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand CALGreen code and exam layout.
  • Identify best practices when studying for the ICC CALGreen Plans Inspector/Examiner exam.
  • Successfully take a practice exam in preparation for the real ICC exam.

Welcome to Course #206 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Building Regulation in California

This training covers the basics of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) requirements for demolished buildings in California. The course provides a tutorial about what is needed to demonstrate compliance for jurisdictions within the State of California.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain technical knowledge and background of the Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) requirements codified within the State of California.
  • Identify triggered projects that must meet the Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) requirements and the levels of compliance required both by the local jurisdiction and by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • Increase knowledge of the construction impacts of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) abatement.

Welcome to Course #205 Advanced Strategies for Sustainable Design

This course provides advanced knowledge of sustainable design and how to apply strategies to produce measurable results. The course explores practical applications of sustainable building concepts relating to site design, water efficiency, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality. The course also provides an introduction to typical software applications that often accompany sustainable design, related to energy, water, acoustics, daylighting, and other considerations. The course contains some practical solutions for performing design iterations to produce the desired performance objectives and prepares students to engage in the sustainable design process and collaborate with experts to produce the desired outcome. The course will provide an overview of sustainable design industry tools and resources available to support improved indoor air quality and ventilation in building design in light of the COVID-19 epidemic.​

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain knowledge and background of various green building strategies and rating systems such as the Living Building Challenge, LEED, WELL, SITES, and other tools used in the industry.
  • Understand considerations for the future of green building strategies, rating systems and technology.
  • Identify opportunities to apply sustainable building strategies to projects.
  • Explore how to lead an integrated design charrette and strategies to engage technical consultant to improve the design process
  • Apply advanced strategies regarding plans, specs, permitting, documentation, inspection, and addressing any local enforcement.
  • Gain robust knowledge related to green building and sustainability industry standards, codes, rating systems, industry tools, and integrated strategies for design teams.
  • Learn about best practices in sustainable design to support improved indoor air quality and ventilation in building design in light of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Welcome to Course #204 Fundamentals of Sustainable Design and Construction

This course provides introductory knowledge about the sustainable design process and how to apply basic strategies to a project. This course demystifies green building, sustainable design, and construction strategies and provides insights specifically for building design professionals. This course also provides an overview of industry standards, codes, rating systems, industry tools, and integrated strategies for design teams. The course reviews common strategies that help to reduce carbon emissions, save energy and water, and improve air quality. The course explores practical applications of sustainable building concepts related to site design, water efficiency, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality.

Learning Objectives:

  •  Gain knowledge and background of various green building strategies and rating systems such as the Living Building Challenge, LEED, WELL, SITES, and other tools used in the industry.
  • Understand considerations for the future of green building strategies, rating systems and technology.
  • Identify opportunities to apply sustainable building strategies to projects.
  • Increase awareness of logistical impacts of sustainable design strategies to the design process, preparing plans, specs, addressing various green building codes and compliance considerations.

Welcome to Course #103 Intro to Green Building Rating Systems

This course explores the practical application of rating systems and helps design teams achieve compliance with criteria for certification. This course provides overviews of all available rating systems in the context of the design and construction process.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain knowledge and background of green building rating systems and understand considerations for the future of rating systems and sustainable development.
  • Identify projects that may apply to earn and how the pre-requisites and elective measures are shown on project plans.
  • Increase awareness of logistical impacts of rating systems regarding plans, specs, permitting, documentation, and Third-Party Review.

Welcome to Course #102 Intro to the 2019 California Green Building Code

Students of this course will gain current knowledge about sustainability and green buildings in the context of the 2019 California Green Building Code. This course will bring awareness to the innovative CALGreen code and standards by empowering our industry to apply sustainable design and construction strategies. This course provides introductions to green building and sustainability subject matters to help bring knowledge of environmental building strategies and policy, and to help the design community and local government staff demonstrate leadership in the community.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain knowledge and background of the 2019 California Green Building Code and understand considerations for the future of CALGreen and sustainable development.
  • Identify triggered projects for the 2019 California Green Building Code and how the mandatory and voluntary measures change the requirements of a project.
  • Increase awareness of logistical impacts of CALGreen regarding plans, specs, permitting, documentation, inspection, and local enforcement.
  • Identify CALGreen enforcements in various California jurisdictions.

Welcome to Course #101 Intro to Green Building

This course will provide current knowledge about sustainability and green buildings and bring awareness to innovative codes and standards by empowering our industry to apply sustainable design and construction strategies. This course provides introductions to green building and sustainability subject matters to help bring knowledge of environmental building strategies, policies and to help the design community and local government staff demonstrate leadership in the community.

​Learning Objectives

  • Define and increase awareness of various methods to encourage and enforce green buildings.
  • Understand the benefits and long-term goals of green building policies and voluntary standards.
  • Gain knowledge of the types of and differences between codes, ordinances, and rating systems in place to encourage sustainable development.
  • Bridge the gap between standard and sustainable design and construction processes and look at future implications of green building requirements.

Welcome to Course #202 Construction & Demolition (C&D) Waste Compliance

This training covers the basics of Construction & Demolition (C&D) Waste related to CALGreen compliance and local C&D reach codes. The course provides a tutorial about what is needed to demonstrate compliance for jurisdictions within the State of California and to support teams seeking to meet voluntary green building rating systems.

Learning Objectives

  •  Gain knowledge and background of the Construction Waste Management requirements within the 2019 California Green Building Code and what the code requires of Design Teams, Contractors, and Building Officials.
  • Identify triggered projects that must meet the Construction Waste Management requirements within the 2019 California Green Building Code and how the local ordinances change the requirements of a project.
  • Increase knowledge of logistical impacts of Construction Waste Management and how this impacts a typical construction schedule.
  • Gain expertise in how Construction Waste Management impacts plans, specs, permitting, documentation, inspection, and local enforcement.